Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Club Christmas game 2011

It has come round far too quickly but I again volunteered to run the club Christmas game last night.

A couple of months ago whilst perusing the web i came across a set of rules for a canoe race game colonial-canoe-race and added a little extra by way of seasonal chocolate coins.

At the start each player took charge of a canoe and four coins which could be used, once per turn, at any point to add 1XD6 movement, which allowed them, most of the time, to cross the rapids safely.  However this was not always the case.

A fun couple of games were had during the evening, along with a couple of beers.  The rules worked nicely and were easily understood by all parties.  All the coins 'spent' on additional movement dice were then added to the pile of coins which would eventually go to the winner

I'll now post a couple of pictures of the games.

 The table at the start with the canoes lined up ready to go

 A game in progress

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Black Powder for the English Civil War

The English Civil War

The major difference from standard Black Powder is that the three elements the pike and the two sleeves of shot are able to operate as individual units to achieve common goals, So the sleeves may elect individual targets, and the movement of all three is as required to achieve a new configuration. The individual elements also are treated separately for combat but as a unit for morale purposes.

Command dice

Exceed command on 2D6 and movement is restricted to 50% of standard move

A roll equal to or one below the command entitles the unit(s) to move 100% of standard move

A roll of 2 or more under the command entitles the unit to(s) to move 150% of standard move

Once within 12 “ of enemy all moves are subject to initiative no die rolls and all moves are 100% of standard

No interpenetration is allowed through a pike block, units will flow around a pike block. If that is impossible the unit will become disordered and will make its way to the rear of the pike block in a state of disarray, and will need to be rallied by a brigade commander


Orders may be given to brigades or individual units. Should a unit be asked to include any other movement than moving forward it must be given an individual order.

Units and StaminaTinySmallStandard
Less than 1011 to 2021 to 40

Per 8” distance from commander to unit-1
Enemy unit within 8” of unit receiving order-1
Column, limbered artillery+1
Column, limbered artillery on road or track+2

Pike block8”7”6”
Cavalry : Galloper15”14”12”
Cavarly: Trotter13”12”11”
Commanders on foot12”
Commanders mounted18”
Medium guns
Light guns

Light artillery20”/10”/4”
Medium artillery24”/12”/6””
Heavy Artillery36”/18”/9”
Shooting to hit modifiers
Artillery shooting at column or square+1
Close range (6”), closing fire, skirmishers+1
Shooters Shaken or Disordered-1
Target skirmishers, deployed artillery or Not Clear-1
Artillery at over half range-1
Cannon shooting overhead-1
Artillery which have been laid and protected by gabions-1
Tactical modifiers
Enfilading infantryShoot X2 dice
Enfilading artilleryShoot X2 dice

Save modifiers
Infantry in column unless hit by artillery+1
Target within woods, hedgerows or similar (light cover)+1
Target within buildings/fortifications (heavy cover)+2
Hit by artillery fire at long range-1
Hit by artillery at medium or close range-2
Target in melee with mounted includes pikes+1

Combat to hit modifiers
Won last round of combat+1
Pike advantage (First round of melee)+1
Shaken or disordered-1
Engaged to flank or rear-1
Combat result modifiers
Threat to exposed flank -1
Threat to exposed rear-2
Pike block vs. cavalry+3
Occupying buildings +2

Period Rules

Heavy guns are laid and may not be moved once the combat commences

Pike block are always in column, they may not move 90 degrees to left or right, but may wheel at a cost of 50% of movement

All other troops are always in line

Infantry must form hedgehog if cavalry within 8”

If disordered infantry must roll 1D6 to see if they form hedgehog or are hit before they can form hedgehog on die rol of 1,2 or 3 Hedgehog formed, on 4 or more the cavalry succeed

Move Modifiers

Woods Skirmishers only and at 50% of normal rate

Rough Ground Skirmishers 100%, all others at 50%

Crossing and obstacle 50% penalty

Entering a building 50% penalty



First Fire
Horse514+Royalist Horse : Rash

RashIf the unit wins a melee only a throw of 5 or 6 on a D6 will prevent them from automatically going on a sweeping advance
HedgehogCannot be attacked by horse if in good order to front
EliteAt start of command if disordered roll D6 and remove if 4+
LanceOn Charge -1 morale against cavalry and -2 against infantry
Reliable+1 Command
BraveShaken units rally on 4+ if more than 12 “ from enemy
SteadyPass first break test automatically
Determined chargeMust charge where able to do so
MaraudersIgnore distance modifier for command
First Fire+1 first volley

Monday, 16 May 2011

Black Powder for The Italian Wars

Again, using Black Powder as a base, one of our members has comeup with the following amendments to allow Black Powder to be used for the Italian Wars, with big units.

What we must realise is that these are still in the process of being tested and thus are not final versions but please feel free to give them a go.

The Great Italian Wars

Command dice

Exceed command on 2D6 and movement is restricted to 50% of standard move

A roll equal to or one below the command entitles the unit(s) to move 100% of standard move

A roll of 2 or more under the command entitles the unit to(s) to move 150% of standard move

Once within 12 “ of enemy all moves are subject to initiative no die rolls and all moves are 100% of standard

No interpenetration is allowed through a pike block, units will flow around a pike block. If that is impossible the unit will become disordered and will make its way to the rear of the pike block in a state of disarray, and will need to be rallied by a brigade commander


Orders may be given to brigades or individual units. Should a unit be asked to include any other movement than moving forward it must be given an individual order.

Units and StaminaTinySmallStandardLargeExtra Large
Less than 1011 to 2021 to 4041 to 6060+

Per 8” distance from commander to unit-1
Enemy unit within 8” of unit receiving order-1
Column, limbered artillery+1
Column, limbered artillery on road or track+2

Pike block8”7”6”
Gendarmes 15”14”
Light Cavalry18”17”16”
Commanders on foot12”
Commanders mounted18”

Light artillery24”/12”/6””
Heavy Artillery36”/18”/9”
Shooting to hit modifiers
Artillery shooting at column or square+1
Close range (4”), closing fire, skirmishers+1
Shooters Shaken or Disordered-1
Target skirmishers, deployed artillery or Not Clear-1
Artillery at over half range-1
Cannon shooting overhead-1
Size modifiers
Extra Large Unit+2 dice shooting+3 combat
Large Unit+1 dice shooting+2 combat
Small Unit-1 dice shooting-2 combat
Tiny Unit1 dice only shooting1 dice only combat
Tactical modifiers
Enfilading infantryShoot X2 dice
Enfilading artilleryShoot X2 dice

Save modifiers
Infantry in column unless hit by artillery+1
Target within woods, hedgerows or similar (light cover)+1
Target within buildings/fortifications (heavy cover)+2
Hit by artillery fire at long range-1
Hit by artillery at medium or close range-2
Target in melee with mounted includes pikes+1

Combat to hit modifiers
Won last round of combat+1
Pike advantage (First round of melee)+1
Shaken or disordered-1
Engaged to flank or rear-1
Combat result modifiers
Threat to exposed flank -1
Threat to exposed rear-2
Pike block vs. cavalry+3
Occupying buildings +2

Period Rules

All guns are laid and may not be moved once the combat commences

Pike block are always in column, they may not move 90 degrees to left or right, but may wheel at a cost of 50% of movement

All other troops are always in line

Swiss have no Brigade commander each pike block, and its skirmishers is autonomous

Move Modifiers

Woods Skirmishers only and at 50% of normal rate

Rough Ground Skirmishers 100%, all others at 50%

Crossing and obstacle 50% penalty

Entering a building 50% penalty


French GendarmesEliteLance703+Rash

Pike advantage




Determined charge
French ArchersTrainedLance604+Lance
French X-bowTrainedX-bow234+
French PikeMilitiaPike605+Pike advantage

Venetian GendarmesTrainedLance604+Lance
Venetian ArquebusMilitiaArquebus125+
Venetian PikeMilitiaPike605+Lance
Swiss pikeElitePike703+Rash





Determined Charge
Swiss ArquebusTrainedArquebus234+
Black Band ArquebusEliteArquebus233+Elite

Mtd Black Band ArquebusTrainedArquebus124+
Spanish GenetesTrainedJavelin304+Marauders
Milanese GendarmesTrainedLance604+Lance
Milanese X-bowMilitiaX-bow125+
Spanish ArquebusEliteArquebus233+Elite



Spanish PikeElitePike703+Pike advantage





Landsknecht ArquebusTrainedArquebus134+
Landsknecht PikeTrainedPike604+Hatred

Pike advantage

Spanish GendarmesTrainedLance604+Lance
Imperial GendarmesTrainedLance604+Lance

RashIf the unit wins a melee only a throw of 5 or 6 on a D6 will prevent them from automatically going on a sweeping advance
HatredWhen engagement between Swiss and Landsknecht neither side will give way therefore no side will break from a melee until it has lost 3 consecutive rounds
Pike advantageCannot be attacked by horse if in good order to front
EliteAt start of command if disordered roll D6 and remove if 4+
LanceOn Charge -1 morale against cavalry and -2 against infantry
Reliable+1 Command
BraveShaken units rally on 4+ if more than 12 “ from enemy
SteadyPass first break test automatically
Determined chargeMust charge where able to do so
MaraudersIgnore distance modifier for command

Biocca specifics

The earthworks represent a major obstacle and the attacking troops when they reach the sunken road and the earthworks must roll a D10 to see if they can succeed in crossing both obstacles.

On a roll of a D10 on a roll of 1 or 2 the assailants will have breached the obstacle and will be at the top of the earthworks

If not they are to remain at the base of the sunken road

Whilst at the base of the earthworks the artillery may fire at them at point blank range as the earthworks were configured to allow the sunken road to be enfiladed

Black Powder for Glorious Revolution

As a club we are quite taken with the Black Powder rules published by Warlord Games and have been tinkering with them for Pike and Shot. Below are the stats we use for the Glorious Revolution, or Nine Years War period, specifically for the wars in Ireland


No double or triple movement within 12” (engagement range) of formed infantry

All units get first fire advantage, Platoon firers get the chance to re roll one failed firing die per turn

For a failed command roll raw units may not move at all, , any other units will move 2” for a failed command roll

No voluntary interpenetration is allowed, troops may only flow round friends if there is a gap at least a base width. Any other interpenetration will cause disorder to both units.

Orders may be given to brigades or individual units. Should a unit be asked to include any other movement than moving forward it must be given an individual order.

Any order requiring a unit to wheel, retrograde or incline must be separate, thus a unit with three orders may move forward for one, wheel for one then move forward once more. Thus each manoeuvre will require a separate order.

Type of troopsStandard sizeLargeSmallTiny
Infantry18 (three bases)24+12-185-6
Cavalry6 (two bases)9+3
Artillery1 gun and crew

Per 8” distance from commander to unit-1
Enemy unit within 8” of unit receiving order-1
Column, limbered artillery+1
Column, limbered artillery on road or track+2

Command roll -3 or moreCommand roll = or -2Command roll = or -1Charge
Infantry, limbered artillery, wagons12”8”4”6”
Cavalry, 22”16”10”18”
Manhandled light artillery6”4”2”-
Commmanders on foot12”---
Commanders mounted18”---

Pistols and thrown weapons4”
Bow and arrow8”
Light artillery24”/12”/6””
Shooting to hit modifiers
Artillery shooting at column or square+1
Close range (4”), closing fire, skirmishers+1
Shooters Shaken or Disordered-1
Target skirmishers, deployed artillery or Not Clear-1
Artillery at over half range-1
Cannon shooting overhead-1
Size modifiers
Large Unit+1 dice shooting+2 combat
Small Unit-1 dice shooting-2 combat
Tiny Unit1 dice only shooting1 dice only combat
All musket unit+1 dice shooting
Platoon FirersMay re roll one failed firing die per turn
Formation modifiers
ColumnMay not shootFight 1 dice
SquareShoot 1 diceFight 2 dice per face
Tactical modifiers
Enfilading infantryShoot X2 dice
Enfilading artilleryShoot X2 dice

Save modifiers
Infantry in column unless hit by artillery+1
Target within woods, hedgerows or similar (light cover)+1
Target within buildings/fortifications (heavy cover)+2
Hit by artillery fire at long range-1
Hit by artillery at medium or close range-2
Target in melee with mounted includes pikes+1

Combat to hit modifiers
Won last round of combat+1
Pikes in unit (first round only)+1
Shaken or disordered-1
Engaged to flank or rear-1
Combat result modifiers
Support to rear (friendly unit charging with chargers and within 6” of enemy contacted) +1
Square vs cavalry+3
Per flank support (charging with chargers and threatening enemy in combat, within 6”)+1
Occupying buildings (size)1-3


Foot GuardsEliteRank firers733+4Crack


Veteran British InfantryElitePlatoon firers634+3Reliable

British InfantryLinePlatoon firers634+3Reliable

Dutch GuardsGuardsPlatoon firers733+4Crack



Dutch, Danish InfantryLinePlatoon firers634+3Reliable

French infantryLineRank firers634+3Reliable

Old Irish InfantryLineRank firers634+3Reliable

Newly raised Irish infantryRawRank firers525+2Unreliable

Freshly Raised
Williamite CavalryLine714+3Reliable


Jacobite, French cavalryLine714+3Reliable


Superbly drilled

First Fire +1 dice on first shot of battle
CrackRe-roll one failed morale save if you have no casualties already
Reliable+1 command
SteadyPasses first break test of the battle
EliteOvercome disorder at start of command on roll of 4+
Tough fightersRe-roll one missed combat attack
UnreliableNo move on equal command roll
StubbornRe-roll one failed morale save
Superbly drilledFree move if command failed
MaraudersIgnore distance modifiers for command
Freshly raisedFirst shot or melee, roll 1XD6

1 Terror-all shots and melee dice require 6 to hit

2-3 Panic- all shots and melee dice require 6 to hit

4-5 Sterling Job-no adverse effects

6 Huzzah-1 extra dice for shooting or melee this turn

Examples for the Jacobite wars in ireland:

Elite British units would include Senior infantry regiments such as Kirke’s Lambs, Dumbartons (Royal Scots), Footguards and Cavalry Lifeguard.

Guard status would be reserved for the Dutch Gard de Voet and Danish garden til Fods.

The majority of Jacobite regiments in Ireland would be Raw with some of the more senior regiments, such as The Grand Priors Regiment would be Line. Thus for each three raw units one may be line or better.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Black Powder

Long time no posts, but here is an update.

Recently we have been playing the Black powder rules, published by Warlord Games, for our Napoleonic and ACW games.  We have also been looking at using the mechanisms for ECW and Glorious Revolution periods, both Pike and Shot but both different in their own ways.

We have played a couple of ECW games so far with some modifications to the rules and hoping to give the Glorious Revolution a bash using still further modifications.

The rules themselves are robust enough to withstand quite a lot of tinkering and for the Glorious Revolution the alternative unit stats come in useful, such as Untried, Untested and Newly Raised for the Raw units.

With luck we will soon be able to post the modifications here for both periods